About Us
April : A project by Jean Storch and Robert Françon to create a European Academy of Postal Studies, bringing together specialists in philately, marcophily, maximaphily and cartophily, as well as dealers who write catalogues, edit magazines and preside over federations. The idea was to bring together the various players involved in postal studies, get them to know each other and, if possible, forge friendships through regular meals together in different European cities. The ultimate aim was to publish by all possible means in order to inform European collectors.
January 28: Founding Meeting, Pavillon de l'Elysée, PARIS.
24 Founding members: G.E. Barker (UK) - P. Broustine (FR) - A. Bussoti (DE) - M. Carnevale-Mauzan (FR) - J. Caurat (FR) - E.M. Cohn (USA) - P. Demenÿ (FR) A. Dedecker (FR) - R. Françon (FR) - P. Gandon (FR) - J. Gervais (FR) - B. Guillaume (FR) - C.S. Holder (UK) - S.J. Luft (USA) - P. Lu Van (FR) - A. Mathieu (FR) - B. Mignon (FR) - G. Neudin (FR) - J. Neudin (FR) - A. Roumet (FR) P. Roumet (FR) - J. Storch (FR) - H.W. Von der Vlist (NL) - D. De Vries (NL). President : R. Françon ; Vice-President : J. Storch
January 27: Meeting in LYON, new members elected.
May 5: Meeting in NANTES during the French national exhibition. Presentation of the 1st prize of the Academy. Publication of the 1st AEP directory.
September 21st: MUNICH (Germany). AEP exhibition.
May 9th: LONDON. AEP exhibition at the "France & Colonies Philatelic Society" as part of LONDON 1980 (FIP).
September 6: 1st International AEP Exhibition in VICHY (France).
January 31st: Bulletin n°1 and AEP Directory: 45 members, 9 European countries + USA.
June 6: VICHY (France). National congress of the French federation in association with the AEP (gala dinner at "Troisgros" in Roanne). Jean Storch was elected President of AEP.
June 12: The AEP is asked to grant patronage to PHILEXFRANCE 82 (FIP). AEP Prize.
October 9th: PARIS. Statutory meeting to draw up the internal regulations. New President of AEP: Pierre Broustine (France).
January 28: LONDON. Joint exhibition with the National Postal Museum and the Royal Philatelic Society London. Visit to the Queen's collection.
May 21st: MARSEILLE. Presentation of the Ordre de Chevalier des Arts & Lettres to R. Françon and J. Storch on a philatelic basis.
October 22nd: ROANNE (France). 5th anniversary of the AEP. Philatelic exhibition of literature, books and magazines published by AEP members. Gala dinner at "Troisgros".
January 14: PARIS. "Prestige de la Poste et du Timbre" organised by AEP.
October 19: PERIGUEUX (France). Visit the postage stamp printing works.
September 20: BURGDORF (Switzerland). Visit to GABRA II, an exhibition of postal stationery. Visit to the Postal Museum in BERN.
Date ? : Twinning with the Académie Québécoise d'Études Postales, our sponsoring academy.
January 25th: PARIS. Visit to the Postal Museum.
September 13: RIQUEWIHR (France). Visit to the Postal Museum.
January 27: PARIS. Reception at the Automobile Club. Organisation of the "Postal Museums and Private Collections" exhibition at the Postal Museum.
November 14: MONACO. Exhibition and meeting.
Date ? : Robert Françon (France) elected President of AEP.
September 9th: VICHY (France). New denomination: Académie Européenne Philatélique et Postale.
July 14th: PARIS. Participation in the organising committee PHILEXFRANCE 89 (FIP).
November 23: ISTAMBUL. Organisation of an exhibition. Publication of a Turkish series of stamped stationery to order for the AEP.
May 12: LONDON. Participation in the organising committee of STAMP WORLD LONDON 90 (FIP).
October 13: TOULOUSE (France). Organisation Francophila 90 (Airmail).
May 23rd: LONDON. Joint AEP and Royal Philatelic Society London exhibition.
May 2: GRENADA (Spain). Exhibition as part of GRANADA'92 (FIP).
June 26: VICHY (France). Exhibition organised by AEP to mark its 15th anniversary.
September 23-25: BURGDORF (Switzerland). Visit to GABRA III, exhibition of postal stationery.
June 3: ORLEANS (France). Wissel Inter-European Challenge as part of the French national exhibition.
October 27-29: SINDELFINGEN (Germany). Postal History symposium.
October 25th: SINDELFINGEN (Germany). AEP European Meeting.
November 28-30: MONACO. International Philatelic Exhibition. Reception by HSH Prince Rainier III of Monaco, who agreed to become an honorary member of the AEP.
June 18-21: LUXEMBOURG. Postal History symposium as part of the JUVALUX 98 exhibition (FIP).
September 10th: LISBON. Participation and lectures in the frame of the exhibition PORTUGAL 98 (FIP).
April 24: Death of President-in-Office Robert Françon.
July 4-10: PARIS. Stand and reception for the Academies of Europe as part of PHILEXFRANCE 99 (FIP). Publication of the "Dictionnaire Philatélique et Postal" with the Académie de philatélie (France).
January 29: PARIS. Jean-Pierre Mangin (France) elected President of AEP.
May 20: NEVERS (France). Extraordinary General Meeting held within the framework of the French National Exhibition. AEEPP renamed AEP. Registered office at the Postal Museum in Paris.
May 1st: Publication of the first directory with the photo of each Academician and the first issue of Trait d'Union.
May 24: LONDON. Meeting on the occasion of the exhibition THE STAMP SHOW 2000 (FIP).
June 2-3: VIENNA (Austria). Meeting on the occasion of the WIPA 2000 exhibition (FIP).
June 25: ST-GALLEN (Switzerland). Meeting with members of the Consilium Philateliae Helveticae as part of the NABA 2000 Swiss national exhibition.
October 6: MADRID (Spain). Meeting with the Hispanic Philatelic Academy as part of the ESPAÑA 2000 exhibition (FIP).
3 & 4 November: LISBON (Portugal). Meeting with the Portuguese members of the AEP as part of the LISBOA 2000 national exhibition.
April 26th: WUPPERTAL (Germany). German national exhibition. Meeting with German AEP members.
June 2: TOURS (France). French national exhibition. Presentation of the European Philatelic Merit to George Barker (United Kingdom).
June 11: BRUSSELS (Belgium). Meeting with the Royal Philatelic Academy of Belgium as part of the BELGICA 2001 exhibition (FIP).
June 24: ISTANBUL (Turkey). Meeting with the Turkish philatelic authorities to prepare the October 2001 exhibition.
September 7 and 8: LUBIN (Poland). European exhibition EURO-CUPRUM 2001. Reception of Mrs Reding, European Commissioner.
September 21 - 23: BURGDORF (Switzerland). GABRA IV to mark the 75th anniversary of the Swiss Postal Stationery Collectors' Association. Meeting of AEP members.
September 21-24: MONACO. Meeting with the Club de Monte Carlo about "Club Med II". Preparations for AEP's 25th anniversary ceremonies.
October 3 - 7: ISTANBUL (Turkey). Exhibition of AEP members. Presentation of the European Philatelic Merit to Salih Kuyas (Turkey). Publication of OPUS I.
January 20th: PARIS (France). General Meeting at the Postal Museum. Visit of the renovated museum.
March 30 and 31: COLMAR (France). Friendly get-together. Lectures, visit to the Postal Musem in Riquewihr. Presentation of the European Philatelic Merit to Raymond Pittier (Switzerland).
April 26-29: MONACO. 25th anniversary of the AEP. Issue of a Monegasque stamp. Meeting with the Club de Monte Carlo. Publication of OPUS II.
May 1st: CIECHOCINEK (Poland). Meeting with the Polish Philatelic Federation and Academy.
July 6-10: LISBON and PORTO (Portugal). Meeting with the Portuguese Philatelic Academy. International Philatelic Exhibition. Exhibition between Rotterdam and Porto. Preparatory meeting for the creation of a Philatelic Academy in Portugal.
July 12: KORTRIJK (Belgium). Meeting with the Royal Academy of Belgium as part of the Belgian national exhibition FILA KORTRIJK 2002.
September 1st: AMSTERDAM (Netherlands). Meeting with the Netherlands Academy as part of AMPHILEX 2002.
November 24: VERONA (Italy). Meeting with the Italian Academy of Philately and the Italian Association of Postal History. Presentation of the European Philatelic Merit to Beppe Ermentini (Italy).
November 29-30: MONACO. 25th anniversary of the AEP as part of the prestigious Club de Monte Carlo exhibition.
December 8th: PORTO (Portugal). Foundation of the Philatelic Academy of Portugal, godchild of the AEP. President: Manuel Portocarrero.
February : Issue of a Romanian postal stationary for the 25th anniversary of the AEP.
March : BREMEN (Germany). Meeting during the Franco-German exhibition.
April 3-6: VENICE (Italy). Visit and meeting with Italian members.
May : Release of OPUS III.
June : MULHOUSE (France). Friendly meeting.
Date ? : LAUSANNE (Switzerland). Meeting at IOC headquarters. Reception by Presidents J.A. Samaranch and J. Rogge.
July : Publication of the new AEP directory.
September : BERN (Switzerland). Meeting at UPU headquarters. Reception by Mr Thomas E. Leavey. Patronage of a European golf tournament, thematic exhibition.
Date ? : MEDITERRANEAN. Cruise with the Club de Monte Carlo. Commemorative flame issued by Tunisia.
October : TIMISOARA (Romania). Friendly meeting. Issue of a second Romanian postal stationary for the 25th anniversary. Timisoara commemorative date stamp.
Date ? : BRUGES (Belgium). Meeting with the Belgian members of AEP.
April 24-28: BUCAREST (Romania)
May : LONDON (Great Britain). Meeting with the Royal Philatelic Society London. Presentation of the European Philatelic Merit to Patrick Pearson.
May 27-31: VALENCIA (Spain). Friendly meeting in the frame of ESPAÑA 2004 (FIP). Release of OPUS IV.
June 4-6: BUDAPEST (Hungary). Friendly meeting.
Directory output.September 16-19: PORTO (Portugal). Visit and meeting with the Portuguese members.
Date ? : BUDAPEST (Hungary). 23rd UPU Congress. Reception of two honorary members: Mrs Nicole Fontaine and Mr Gérard Longuet.
Date ? : BUCAREST (Romania). Reception in Bucharest of Mr Dan Nica, new honorary member and Minister of Communication.
December 2-5: MONACO. Meeting with the Club de Monte Carlo.
March 4-5: TURIN (Italy). Philatelic and cartophile exhibition and meeting with Italian members.
May 19: KIEV (Ukraine). Reception by the Minister for Posts.
June 7: BERN (Switzerland). Reception by Mr Edouard Dayan, Director General of the UPU and honorary member of the AEP. Release of OPUS V.
August 28: ÅLAND. International exhibition MARE BALTICUM, followed by a visit to St Petersburg (Postal Museum).
Sept. 26-Oct. 2: BUCHAREST (Romania). Exhibition of AEP members from the Balkan countries and tourism in the Danube Delta. Issue by Romania of 4 postal stationery sets and a souvenir sheet to honour the AEP.
April : SAN MARINO. Visit of the AEP.
June 24: PARIS. Stamps and Writing exhibition. Publication of the new AEP members' directory and OPUS VI devoted to Romania and the UPU exhibition in Bern.
October 7 to 13: MALAGA (Spain). AEP meeting in the frame of the ESPAÑA 2006 exhibition (FIP).
November 25 and 26: SLOVENIA. Visit to the AEP.
December 1-3 : MONACO. AEP exhibition at MonacoPhil 2006.
March 20: BERN (Switzerland). AEP exhibition at the UPU.
October 12 to 14: ROME. AEP exhibition as part of the Italian national exhibition.
October 28: ISTAMBUL (Turkey). AEP exhibition at BALKANPHILA 2007.
November 10: PARIS. Henk Slabbinck (Belgium) elected President of the AEP. Release of OPUS VII devoted to Polar Philately.
November 23 to 25: VELDHOVEN (Netherlands). AEP exhibition as part of KEMPENPHILA 2007.
February 29: LONDON. AEP private visit to the British Library.
May 14: TEL AVIV (Israel). Reception for AEP as part of ISRAEL 2008 (FIP).
June 21: PARIS. AEP luncheon as part of the French national exhibition "Salon du Timbre". Release of OPUS VIII devoted to the theme of the Olympic Games.
June 22: BUCHAREST (Romania). AEP exhibition as part of EFIRO 2008 (FIP).
September 18: VIENNA (Austria). AEP exhibition as part of WIPA 2008 (FEPA).
March 19: LONDON. AEP exhibition at the Royal Philatelic Society London.
March 27 to 29: MACON (France). AEP exhibition at the "Polar Show".
March 27 to 29: MILAN (Italy). AEP exhibition at Milanexpo 2009.
October 9 to 11: BERN (Switzerland). AEP exhibition at GABRA V. Release of OPUS IX devoted to Poland.
December 4 to 6: MONACO. AEP exhibition at MonacoPhil 2009. AEP dinner (189 people, a new record!)
April 9 to 12: ANTWERP (Belgium). AEP exhibition at ANTVERPIA 2010.
June 19: PARIS. AEP lunch with conference at the Salon du Timbre.
September : Release of OPUS X devoted to the colonial past of European countries.
October 1 to 10: LISBON. AEP exhibition as part of Portugal 2010 (FIP). The European Philatelic Merit was awarded to Pedro Vaz Pereira (Portugal). The Philatelic Press Prize is awarded to Filotelia magazine (Greece). Henk Slabbinck (Belgium) elected President of the AEP for a second term.
October 29 to 31: SINDELFINGEN (Germany). AEP exhibition and conferences (guest of honour).
March : Publication of the new AEP directory.
April 29th to May 1st: VENICE. AEP exhibition and conferences as part of the Italian national exhibition.
October 31st: BARCELONA. Presentation of OPUS XI dedicated to Spain with the Royal Hispanic Academy of Philately.
December 2 to 4: MONACO. AEP exhibition at MonacoPhil 2011. The European Philatelic Merit was awarded to Pierre Couesnon (France). The Philatelic Press Prize is awarded to "The London Philatelist" magazine.
June 17: PARIS. AEP lunch in the frame of the French national exhibition "Salon du Timbre".
September : Release of OPUS XII dedicated to Russia.
September 14 to 16: TEMSE (Belgium). Participation of the AEP in the Salon d'Honneur of the Royal Philatelic Academy of Belgium at the Belgian national exhibition TEMSIFIL 2012.
October 5 and 6: STANS (Switzerland). AEP lectures and dinner in Lucerne as part of the Swiss national exhibition NABA 2012.
October 13: ROME. AEP General Meeting with lunch. The European Philatelic Merit is awarded to Jose Ramón Moreno (Spain). The AEP Philatelic Press Prize is awarded to the magazine "Rundbriefe DASV" (German postal history society).
November 2 to 4: MAYENCE (Germany). Participation of the AEP (conferences) in the IPHLA philatelic literature exhibition.
May 18: AMIENS (France). Private tour of the Yvert & Tellier company.
September : Release of OPUS XIII devoted to Greece. The covers of this issue and those to follow are by Myrsini Vardopoulou, an AEP honorary member who designs most of the Greek stamps.
September 27 to 29: MOSCOW. AEP exhibition at ROSSICA 2013 with lectures, visit to the Postal Museum and receptions.
December 5 to 7: MONACO. AEP exhibition at MonacoPhil 2013. The European Philatelic Merit is awarded to Rainer von Scharpen (Germany) and Henk Slabbinck (Belgium). Bruno Crevato-Selvaggi (Italy) elected President of the AEP.
April : Publication of the new AEP directory.
June 22: PARIS. AEP luncheon at the Salon du Timbre. The European Prize for Philatelic Literature was awarded to Michèle Chauvet (France) for "Les Colonies Françaises de l'Amérique et de l'Afrique". The European Prize for Philatelic Literature was awarded to Wolfgang Maassen (Germany) and Vincent Schouberechts (Belgium) for "Les jalons de la littérature philatélique au XIXe siècle". The AEP received the Binos Prize from Pantelis Leoussis (Greece), President of the Hellenic Philatelic Federation.
July 11 to 14: YPRES (Belgium). The AEP invited by the Royal Philatelic Society London and the Royal Philatelic Academy of Belgium for a philatelic exhibition, historical commemorations, receptions and a signing session for the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists.
September : Release of OPUS XIV devoted to Africa.
October 27 to 29: MOSCOW. OPUS took part in the ROSSICA 2014 literature competition, sponsored by AEP.
January 10: PARIS. Académie de philatélie (France) and AEP joint day with lectures and lunch. AEP General Meeting. The AEP Philatelic Press Prize was awarded to the Académie's magazine "Documents philatéliques" (France). Henk Slabbinck (Belgium) appointed Honorary President of the AEP.
May 15: LONDON. AEP exhibition and lectures at the EUROPHILEX Stamp Exhibition (FEPA).
June 19 and 20: WATERLOO (Belgium). Participation of the AEP in the philatelic exhibition of Napoleonic history with unique historical and postal documents.
September : Release of OPUS XV.
September 18 to 27: MOSCOW. Participation of the AEP (lectures) in the Old Paper exhibition.
October : Ties with the AEP logo have been made for members.
November 12 to 15: ATHENS. Participation of AEP, with OPUS, in the literature competition at NOTOS 2015 (FEPA).
December 3 to 5: MONACO. AEP exhibition at MonacoPhil 2015. General Meeting with lunch. AEP offered the two Grand Awards of the Polar Philately Exhibition.
April : Release of OPUS XVI on "Transatlantic relations between Europe and America".
May 20 to 22: BERLIN. Participation of members of the AEP in the jury of ROSSICA 2016 to which the AEP has given patronage.
May : Creation of a medal for the AEP awards.
June 4: NEW YORK. At the Club de Monte Carlo dinner, as part of the WORLD STAMP SHOW 2016 (FIP), the European Award for Philatelic Literature was presented to Serge Kahn (France) and Hal Vogel (USA) for "Dans le sillage des pionniers/Ahead of the Pack".
November 4 to 6: VENICE. AEP General Meeting. The European Parliament Prize was awarded for the first time by Elisabetta Gardini (Italian member of the European Parliament) to Carlo Giovanardi, Italian MP. The European Philatelic Merit was awarded to Jean-François Logette (France). The Philatelic Press Award was presented to the magazine "Le philatéliste belge". The AEP organised a symposium on "High-level philately and its future in Europe". Bruno Crevato-Selvaggi (Italy) elected President of the AEP for a second term.
April 22 to 23: CALAIS (France). AEP partnership (exhibitions and lectures) to mark the 90th anniversary of the Amicale philatélique de Calais.
May 24 to 28: TAMPERE (Finland). Participation of the AEP (exhibitions and lectures) in FINLANDIA 2017 (FEPA) and official presentation of OPUS XVII devoted to the "Nordic countries". The European Philatelic Press Award 2017 was presented to the magazine "El Eco Filatelico" (Spain).
Nov. 30 to Dec. 2: MONACO. AEP participation (exhibitions) at MonacoPhil 2017. AEP General Meeting, publication of the 2018 Directory and lunch. The European Parliament Award 2017 was awarded to HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco. The European Philatelic Merit 2017 was awarded to Andrey Strygin (Russia). The European Philatelic Literature Award 2017 was presented to Vincent Schouberechts (Belgium) for "The Post Book, 500 Years of History in Europe". Publication of the new, completely revised members' Directory. Jean Voruz (Switzerland) elected President of the AEP.
April 5 to 7: KASSANDRA (Greece). AEP partner of the Philatelic Summit 2018 at Sani Resort.
August 15 to 18: PRAGA 2018 (Prague). AEP General Meeting, lectures and presentation of OPUS XVIII devoted to "Central Europe formerly under Austrian domination". The 2018 European Parliament Prize was awarded to Christopher King (UK). The 2018 European Philatelic Merit was awarded to James Van der Linden (Belgium). The 2018 European Prize for Philatelic Literature was awarded to Wolfgang Maassen (Germany) for "The Mysterious Philippe de Ferrari".
November 23 to 25: VERONA (Italy). Patronage of the AEP for the international exhibition of philatelic literature as part of the Italian national exhibition ITALIA 2018.
May 29 to June 2: STOCKHOLM (Sweden). AEP Day organised as part of the STOCKHOLMIA 2019 exhibition. Official presentation of OPUS XIX devoted to the "Treaty of Versailles and its consequences", lectures and presentation of ROSSICA 2020 planned in Geneva. Presentation of the joint AEP-Academy of Belgium support for the "Tomorrows Royal" project for the Royal Philatelic Society London's new facility.
November 23: VERONE (Italy). The Italian Federation of Philatelic Societies celebrated its centenary at the FEPA European Thematic Philatelic Championship. Chaired by Piero Macrelli, the federation invited a number of philatelic organisations, including AEP represented by its president Jean Voruz.
November 28 to 30: MONACO. AEP participation (exhibitions) at MonacoPhil 2019. General Meeting and lunch. The European Parliament Prize 2019 was awarded to Henk Slabbinck (Belgium) and presented by HSH Prince Albert of Monaco. The 2019 European Philatelic Merit was awarded to Patrick Maselis (Belgium). The 2019 European Philatelic Literature Prize was awarded to Guy Dutau (France) for "La désinfection du courrier en France et dans les pays occupés". The European Philatelic Press Award was presented to Rene Hillesum (Netherlands) for the Dutch magazine "Filatelie".
Spring : Release of OPUS XX devoted to "The British Empire".
July 10 to 12: TARTU (Estonia). Two AEP members won the two Grand Prix at ESTONIA 2020, the only international public exhibition to have been held during the health crisis.
October 23: GENEVA. AEP partner of ROSSICA 2020, an exhibition held within the framework of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations "by invitation only" due to health restrictions.
Spring : Release of OPUS XXI devoted to "Germany and its Colonies".
October 9th: VALENCIENNES (France). Post-Covid General Meetings held within the framework of the French national exhibition, in place of MonacoPhil, postponed to 2022. The 2020 European Philatelic Merit was awarded to Bernard Jimenez (France). The European Prize for Philatelic Literature 2021 was awarded to Serge Kahn (France). Jean Voruz (Switzerland) elected President of the AEP for a second term.
November 22: ATHENS. The AEP gave patronage to the NOTOS 2021 international exhibition (FEPA) and held an extraordinary meeting to ratify its revised articles of society. OPUS 21 won a Gold Medal in the Literature Class. The European Philatelic Merit 2021 was awarded to Anthony Virvilis (Greece).
February 25: LONDON. AEP seminar as part of LONDON 2022 (FIP) with a series of short lectures, supported by presentations of 2 frames each, in the British style.
May 22: LUGANO (Switzerland). AEP partner of HELVETIA 2022 (FIP) with a public inter-academy seminar offering 5 lectures. Presentation of OPUS XXII devoted to Switzerland. Presentation of the European Philatelic Press Award 2020 to Angelo Simontacchi for the magazine Cursores (Italy) and 2021 to Claudio Manzati for Post Horn (Italy). Presentation of the 2020 European Philatelic Literature Award to James van der Linden (Belgium) for his book "Mail Across the Oceans". OPUS XIX to XXI received a Grand Vermeil Medal in the philatelic literature competition.
September : Release of the bilingual publication "La Recherche philatélique / Philatelic Research", originally published in English by David Beech. Publication of the new members' Directory, with new sections.
October 13 to 16: LIBEREC (Czech Republic). AEP partner of Liberec 2022 (FEPA). Presentation of the European Philatelic Press Award 2022 to Pedro Vaz Pereira for the magazine "Filatelia Lusitana" (Portugal).
November 26: MONACO. Participation of AEP (exhibitions) in MonacoPhil 2022. General Meeting and lunch. The European Parliament Prize 2020 was awarded to Christophe-André Frassa, French senator representing citizens residing outside France, presented by HSH Prince Albert of Monaco. The 2022 European Philatelic Merit Award was presented to Guy Coutant (Belgium). A recognition ceremony in honour of Patrick Maselis, who was organising MonacoPhil for the last time, was an opportunity to thank him for his unstinting support for the AEP.
May 27: ESSEN (Germany). Within the framework of IBRA 2023 (FIP), the AEP General Meeting elected its new President Peter Suhadolc (Slovenia). The European Prize for Philatelic Literature 2022 was awarded to Guido Craveri (Switzerland) for "Census of the 1857 10-kopek Imperforate Stamp of Russia", and to Luis & Eduardo Barreiros (Portugal) for "Portuguese India - Postal History and the First Issues from the Natives to 1900". Presentation of the European Philatelic Press Award 2023 to the Collector's Club Philatelist, represented by Behruz Nassre-Esfahani (New York). The European Philatelic Merit 2023 was awarded to Vincent Schouberechts (Belgium). Presentation of OPUS XXIII devoted to Africa for the second time.
June 24: ST-PIERRE-ET-MIQUELON. The AEP gave patronage to the 1-frame exhibition EUROPHIL-SPM 2023, together with the American Philatelic Society and the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada. Lectures and guided tours on the themes of the exhibition.
Since its creation, the AEP has seen its members officiate at each of the major international exhibitions (exhibitors, trainers, members of organising committees, members of juries, etc.), both in Europe and throughout the World.